Monday, December 30, 2013

Monday, 12/30/13

Sometimes the simplest food is the best.  I had some leftover spaghetti from dinner last night, and some leftover cheeze sauce.  So, for lunch, I cut up the spaghetti, stirred in the cheeze sauce, heated them up, and topped them with fresh salsa.  So good!  

For dinner, I had my favorite chickpea salad, using up leftover chickpeas.  I love that salad!  I spiced up the greens with some fresh salsa from the store.  It's pathetically pale but tasted great!

Breakfast: Cacao Wake-up Shake

Lunch: Tinkyada brown rice spaghetti, with Cheeze Sauce, and fresh salsa

Dinner: Chickpea Salad on spring mix with carrots and fresh salsa

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