Friday, January 31, 2014

Weekend Menu, 1/31/14-2/02/14

Weekend Menu:

Breakfast: Fruit Salad, Oatmeal
Lunch: Chickpea Salad, Salad
Dinner: Mexican Night: Salad, black beans, corn, tomatoes, baked tortilla chips

Breakfast: Cacao Banana Muffins
Lunch: Snowy Day Minestrone, Salad with balsamic dressing
Dinner: Chili, Salad with balsamic dressing

Lunch: Chickpea Salad, Salad

Roasted Carrot Sticks with hummus
Baked Potato Wedges

Fruit Salad

Chickpea Salad

Baked Tortilla Chips and Salsa

Cacao Banana Muffins

Snowy Day Minestrone


Blueberry Banana Oatmeal to Go

Roasted Carrot Sticks


Baked Potato Wedges

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thursday, 1/30/14

Getting ready to go away for the weekend.  Feeling like I can't do it because things have really escalated at home.  Know I need a break.  If I can just get there, it will be the best thing in the world for me!

Breakfast: Nick's Probiotic Smoothie

Lunch: Salad with Nick's Baked Tofu

Dinner: Chickpea salad, salad, fresh salsa

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wednesday, 1/29/14

After an appointment this morning, I went shopping at both Trader Joe's and Whole Foods!  I love Trader Joe's, and this store opened in 2009, and this is the first time I set foot inside the store!  I was able to shop in both stores without any pain at all!  It was almost too good to be true!

I'm going away tomorrow and will be without a computer until Monday.  I'm sure it will be strange to eat my meals without taking pictures of them!  :)

Breakfast:  Nick's Probiotic Green Smoothie

Lunch: Dino Kale, Cardamom Rice, chickpeas, mandarin oranges

Dinner: Salad: romaine, carrots, red cabbage, cucumber, corn, chickpeas, beets, tofu; green beans; Apples with Citrus (2 apples, sliced thinly, with the juice of 1 orange and 1 meyer lemon, marinated for a couple of hours.  Yum!)

I really enjoyed these green beans.  I seem to be appreciating plain foods more these days.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tuesday, 1/28/14

My meals weren't at all glamorous today, but they filled me up and provided good nutrition.  That's all it takes!

Like yesterday, today was rough, with more bad news about my son.  I feel like I'm not entirely here.  I don't even know how to face bad news head on, without trying to mask and stuff my emotions with food.  I'm working on figuring out why I've been so afraid to feel anything besides happiness!

Breakfast: Another smoothie with probiotics from Nick

Lunch: Fruit: apple, clementines, banana

Dinner: Salad with balsamic; Baked Potato Wedges made by Nick, with all sorts of interesting spices

Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday, 1/27/14

Difficult day today (understatement).  We had to take our youngest to an emergency hospital visit, and the road ahead looks tough.  My eyes have been leaking tears all day.  I was so thankful, though, to be able to eat some leftovers before leaving for the hospital, and grab some fruit and my big water bottle.  It was all I needed to get me through.

I'd love to say that I didn't eat over this, but I did.  I did well all day, but when nighttime hit and everyone else was in bed, I was hit with a flood of uncomfortable emotions.  The food I ate was PD food, but I still ate out of the old habit of eating while stressed, rather than eating because I was hungry.  I'm grateful for the awareness and the ability to make a better choice next time.  I refuse to beat myself up over it, which is something I would have done in the past.  That would have led me to sugar-filled food, looking for a way to numb myself out.

Today, I can say that I reverted to an old habit and ate when I wasn't physically hungry.  I don't plan to do it next time.  I'm here to embrace the journey, and this is part of it.  It doesn't feel good right now, but it will pass.  I'm thankful for the knowledge I have, and for second (and third!) chances.

B: Green Smoothie with vegan probiotics, courtesy of Nick, who is concerned about the after effects of the antibiotics I took

L: Broccoli Rotten, Spinach, apple, 2 clementines

Seasoned Popcorn

D: Roasted Cauliflower, Ranch Dressing, corn, Cardamom Rice

Roasted Cauliflower with Ranch Dressing

Red wine, Ezekiel Bread, Ranch Dressing

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sunday, 1/26/14

As promised, I ate my greens today.  The spinach may not look like much, but it was actually a lot of spinach!  It was also a gift from an organic garden.  That's my kind of gift!  :)

Breakfast:  Banana Muffins

Lunch: Salad: spring mix, red cabbage, carrots, cherry tomatoes, corn, chickpeas with balsamic


Dinner: Broccoli Not Rotten, spinach, apple

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Saturday, 1/25/14

Yikes!  All of today's food is the same color!  And where are my greens???  Double dose of those babies tomorrow for sure!

Breakfast: Banana muffins

Lunch: Broccoli Not Rotten

Dinner: Mushroom Soup

Friday, January 24, 2014

Friday, 1/24/14

It's been so cold and snowy here that I just needed a meal to remind me of summer.  This was it!  S

Breakfast: Smoothie

Lunch: Summer Meal in January: Baked Beans, Potato Salad, Veggie Pattie, vegan mayo, Salad, Cherry Tomatoes

Dinner: Baked beans and veggie pattie over brown rice

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Thoughts on Day 218

I never want to become complacent. 

I realized today that I'm on day 218.  I can actually say that I'm proud of that!  It feels good.  The food tastes delicious and I'm comfortable with it, and also willing to try new things.  I feel off if I haven't had enough greens or fruit.  I want to put good things into my body.  I want to heal.

Still, I don't want to let my guard down.  While I don't view this as a battle, rather a way of life, I know that if I become complacent or lax, I will be in trouble.  It's so easy to eat this way and to live this way, but it will always require planning and preparation.

So, the food is in place, but there are warning signs, behaviors that concern me:

1.  I've stopped putting myself first and am getting caught up in all of the things that need to be done.

2.  I'm staying up extremely late and not getting enough sleep.

3.  I haven't been successful at conscious eating, and seem to panic at the thought of eating without a screen or a book.

4.  I'm playing solitaire on the computer.

5.  I'm not paying attention to when I'm truly hungry and full.

6.  I'm not exercising.

I've stopped putting myself first and am getting caught up in all of the things that need to be done.
One of my children is really struggling, which means tension in the house, and scheduling doctors and therapists, consultations, changes in therapy, lots and lots of paperwork, and stress.  A lot of stress.   When I started this journey, I told myself that my life is going to have lots of ups and downs and stress, and I needed to accept that and stop putting myself last.  I did well with that for awhile but noticed that I've slipped back into my old ways of putting everyone and everything else first.

I'm staying up extremely late and not getting enough sleep.
I stay up late for a number of reasons:

1.  I relish the silence and feel like I need that quiet, alone time.
2.  I'm often too tired/worn out to go up to bed, so I just continue to sit downstairs.
3.  I didn't finished dishes and laundry, and can't find the energy to do them before I go to bed.
4.  I'm caught up in working on the computer.
5.  I don't use self-discipline.

I haven't been successful at conscious eating, and seem to panic at the thought of eating without a screen or a book.
I haven't figured out why I'm so resistant to conscious eating.  I'm extremely uncomfortable with it and I'm not sure why.  I love my food, and do take the time to notice what I'm eating and how it tastes, but I do that while reading!

I'm playing solitaire on the computer.
Solitaire is mindless, and for whatever reason, I'm feeling the need to tune out again.

I'm not paying attention to when I'm truly hungry and full.
I used to be in a program in which I weighed and measured everything I ate, and ate at the same time each day.  In many ways, I really liked it.  It was consistent, and I was never hungry and never too full.  But, I was on autopilot.  I didn't need to pay attention to what my body might be telling me.  I'm honestly tempted to return to that, even though I think that that's just an excuse to not have to pay attention to conscious eating.  I have a complex relationship with food and emotions, and I know that it's going to require a lot of effort on my part to figure it out.  I suppose that wanting to weigh and measure is the easy way out.

I'm not exercising.
I'm not exercising because I can't walk in our pool, and I'm too self-conscious to go to a public pool because of the lymphedema.  I don't even wear capris in public, let alone a bathing suit!  I'm moving around more, which is great, but I'm not ready to start a walking regimen.  I  had a few chair exercises, but they were kind of boring and somewhat painful.  Last but not least, I'm just not using self-discipline!  I know that it's lame, but the truth is that I absolutely love walking in the pool, and I want to do something that I love.  I told Nick that I want to move south so that I can do that year-round!

Julie has addressed some of these things in PD-Ed, and it's time to look at them.  The food preparation is second nature now, so I can focus on the emotional aspects of regaining my health.

Because it's so easy to point out the negative things about myself or the many ways that I feel like I'm not measuring up, I'm going to end with some positives.  I have to come up with six of them, to match the six areas where I feel that I'm falling short.

1.  I've eaten a PD for 218 days.

Thinking, thinking...

2.  I've stayed committed to keeping up with my blog and FB page.

3.  I've stayed active in PDL.

4.  I haven't let myself get into debates about the way I eat.

5.  I'm being honest with myself about my struggles.

6.  I'm focusing on doing what I need to do for myself without worrying about what other people think.

Thursday, 1/23/14

Breakfast:  Oatmeal

Lunch: Baked Beans with Greens (baby kale, chard, and spinach)

Dinner: Veggie Pattie, Food for Life GF English Muffin, Spring Mix, Cherry Tomatoes, vegan mayo

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wednesday, 1/22/14

Breakfast:  Mushroom Gravy over Brown Rice

Lunch: Leftover Pizza

Dinner: Baked Beans, mixed baby greens, oranges

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Tuesday, 1/21/14

B: Oatmeal, oranges

L: Salad: romaine, spring mix, red cabbage, red bell pepper, carrots, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, tofu, dressing

D: Veggie Pizza

Monday, January 20, 2014

Monday, 1/20/14

Breakfast:  Oatmeal with hidden apples, bananas, and blueberries

Lunch: Leftover Buffalo Cauliflower & Fries, Ranch Dressing, Orange

Dinner:  Salad (spring mix, carrots, red cabbage, red bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, baked tofu); dressing

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Sunday, 1/1/9/14

I'm short in the pictures department today, too.  My blueberry "pie" just wasn't picture worthy, and I was out for lunch at my parents' house.  I took my mashed potatoes and mushroom gravy, and Nick made a big salad for everyone to share.  I wish I'd taken a picture of the salad; it was gorgeous!  

Dinner was delicious!  I made Buffalo Cauliflower the same way I made BBQ Cauliflower, and then made Buffalo Fries with the extra batter.  As usual, the ranch dressing saved my mouth from being on fire!  I also can't believe how much I love celery.  In the past, I never would have touched it when it was served like that; I would have viewed it as a garnish!  Now I eat it and really enjoy it!

Breakfast:  Blueberry Pie

Lunch: Salad (spring mix, cherry tomatoes, red cabbage, carrots, red bell pepper, cucumbers), dressing, Mashed Potatoes, Mushroom Gravy

Dinner: Buffalo Cauliflower, Buffalo Fries, Ranch Dressing, celery

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Saturday, 1/18/14

B: Chocolate Banana Muffins

L: Leftovers: Swedish Potatoes, brown rice

D: Mashed Potatoes, Mushroom Gravy, purple kale

Friday, January 17, 2014

Friday, 1/17/14

I was really busy today and terrible about taking pictures of my food!  Breakfast and lunch were leftovers, and part of dinner was an experiment.  I never did have my Swedish Smorgasbord, but I have my menu together.  One of the dishes I loved was Swedish Dill Potatoes.  I played around with a recipe that came out pretty well.  I'll make a few small changes and then move on to the next dish!  I also made a huge salad, and then made muffins.

B: Leftover oatmeal

L: Baked Potato Wedges, Ranch Dressing, Green Beans, Mushrooms & Onions over brown rice, orange

D; Swedish Dill Potatoes, Salad: romaine, spring mix, red onion, grape tomatoes, refried beans, black beans, Ranch Dressing; Chocolate Banana Muffins

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Thursday, 1/16/14

Breakfast:  Nick's Yummy Instant Pot Oatmeal with mixed berries

Lunch: Black Beans & Rice

Dinner: Baked Potato Wedges,  Ranch Dressing, Salad, Green Beans, Mushrooms & Onions

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Tuesday, 1/14/14

Breakfast:  Fruit

Lunch: Vegan Scalloped Potatoes

Dinner: Vegan Crab Cakes; Salad; Ranch Dressing


Monday, January 13, 2014

Monday, 1/13/14

B: Smoothie

L: Mexican Salad (romaine, cherry tomatoes, fresh salsa, Nick's Refried Beans, Cheeze Sauce; Hibiscus Water

D: Salad, Vegan Mayo, Vegan Scalloped Potatoes