Sunday, January 5, 2014

Sunday, 1/5/14

I had big cooking plans today!  It's cold and snowy and icy, and I wanted to make soups and entrees to warm myself and the house.  It didn't happen.  It was my son's 16th birthday, so Nick took him to the mall with his friends and then out to eat, and I stayed home with my other kids, plus several neighborhood kids.  I baked a cake for my son, and that was about as far as I got in the cooking department!

My attitude about food is changing, big time.  In the beginning of eating a plant-based diet, I knew that I needed to take care of myself, and that I couldn't force my family to do this with me.  So, although Nick does a lot of the cooking, I continued to also cook for him and the kids.  

It wasn't long before I couldn't stand the feeling of greasy foods, whether it was cooking them or doing the dishes afterwards.  Then I couldn't look at certain meat.  Soon, I couldn't look at any of it, and I told them that they were on their own, if that's what they wanted to eat.  Oh, and I also said that I would no longer do the greasy, disgusting dishes!

 When it comes to the kids, I've never believed in that junk, but I just got weary of fighting the constant battle, especially when I had to stop doing the shopping and cooking.  It felt like a no-win situation.  When I was doing the meals and when I was homeschooling, I could control it more.  Now, they get bombarded with junk food at school and at church.  Church is my biggest pet peeve.  Health reasons aside, what kid needs chocolate and artificially colored candy first thing in the morning or before bed on a Wednesday night?  No kids do!  Heck, no adults do!

At any rate, I made this cake, the smell of it made me sick (it was a mix that someone bought; I never used to use mixes), I knew that the chemicals in it would make my kids sick, and I expended most of my energy making it and didn't have enough left to cook my dinner.  It was a lose/lose situation!

Just some more of my rambling thoughts as I've gone through this journey...

Another thought is that I've gone through some super stressful extended family junk over the past two days, and normally I would have felt quite justified in indulging in some serious stress eating.  I'm happy to say that although I do feel very stressed, I haven't turned to food.  I'm working on recognizing the feelings but not reacting to them.  So, so difficult when I'm so emotionally involved, but it's possible!

One last thing that I'm forcing myself to acknowledge, that I'd rather completely ignore:  I ate plain popcorn today, with nothing on it.  As I was eating it, I could feel my cheeks get hot.  I checked, and my cheeks and nose were bright red.  The exact same thing happened recently when I ate tortilla chips.

I said it, but that's all I'm saying.  I'm not ready to admit that there might be a potential problem with my relationship with corn!

Breakfast:  Nick's Apple and Asian Pear Bake

Lunch: Salad (spring mix, red cabbage, mini cucumbers); Ranch Dressing

Dinner: Rainy Day Minestrone, Ezekiel Brown Rice English Muffin

Rainy Day Minestrone - More like a stew and not so pretty after being frozen, but still delicious!

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