Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday, 1/27/14

Difficult day today (understatement).  We had to take our youngest to an emergency hospital visit, and the road ahead looks tough.  My eyes have been leaking tears all day.  I was so thankful, though, to be able to eat some leftovers before leaving for the hospital, and grab some fruit and my big water bottle.  It was all I needed to get me through.

I'd love to say that I didn't eat over this, but I did.  I did well all day, but when nighttime hit and everyone else was in bed, I was hit with a flood of uncomfortable emotions.  The food I ate was PD food, but I still ate out of the old habit of eating while stressed, rather than eating because I was hungry.  I'm grateful for the awareness and the ability to make a better choice next time.  I refuse to beat myself up over it, which is something I would have done in the past.  That would have led me to sugar-filled food, looking for a way to numb myself out.

Today, I can say that I reverted to an old habit and ate when I wasn't physically hungry.  I don't plan to do it next time.  I'm here to embrace the journey, and this is part of it.  It doesn't feel good right now, but it will pass.  I'm thankful for the knowledge I have, and for second (and third!) chances.

B: Green Smoothie with vegan probiotics, courtesy of Nick, who is concerned about the after effects of the antibiotics I took

L: Broccoli Rotten, Spinach, apple, 2 clementines

Seasoned Popcorn

D: Roasted Cauliflower, Ranch Dressing, corn, Cardamom Rice

Roasted Cauliflower with Ranch Dressing

Red wine, Ezekiel Bread, Ranch Dressing

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