Friday, January 17, 2014

Friday, 1/17/14

I was really busy today and terrible about taking pictures of my food!  Breakfast and lunch were leftovers, and part of dinner was an experiment.  I never did have my Swedish Smorgasbord, but I have my menu together.  One of the dishes I loved was Swedish Dill Potatoes.  I played around with a recipe that came out pretty well.  I'll make a few small changes and then move on to the next dish!  I also made a huge salad, and then made muffins.

B: Leftover oatmeal

L: Baked Potato Wedges, Ranch Dressing, Green Beans, Mushrooms & Onions over brown rice, orange

D; Swedish Dill Potatoes, Salad: romaine, spring mix, red onion, grape tomatoes, refried beans, black beans, Ranch Dressing; Chocolate Banana Muffins

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