Friday, August 16, 2013

Diagnoses and Changes

A friend asked me to send her a list of my current diagnoses.  I'd never compiled a complete list before, so I gathered the reports from different specialists and came up with the list below.

Seeing it in writing was somewhat daunting.  These diagnoses don't define who I am, but seeing them made me realize that I am dealing with quite a bit, and I don't show myself much compassion.  If this list belonged to a friend, I'd certainly be much more sympathetic than I am to myself.

I view the list as a challenge.  I also realize that it's going to take time.  I've been on this journey for just two months, and I'm determined to plow through, but it's going to take time.  I want overnight results, and that's just not going to happen.

With the exception of obesity, I'm told that most of these things can't be cured.  I refuse to believe that.  So, one day at a time, one bite at a time, I'm going to see what I can do to bring about some changes.


Stage II Mostly Fibrotic Severe Lymphedema of Bilateral Lower Extremities

Severe Back Pain due to Lumbar Disc Disease with Neurogenic Claudication

C8-T1 Radiculopathy, Causing Pain, Numbness, and Tingling in the Neck, Upper Back, Arms, Hands, and Fingers

Severe Bilateral Degenerative Joint Disease of the Knees

Sleep Apnea


Chronic Headache

Chronic Sinusitis

Nasal Septal Deformity

Allergic Rhinitis

Meralgia Paresthetica (damaged lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, resulting in constant pain, numbness, burning sensation, tingling, multiple bee sting-like pains, hypersensitivity to touch and heat in the right outer thigh, from hip to knee)



Pituitary Adenoma




Bilateral Carpal Tunnel Syndrome



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