Monday, August 19, 2013

Hope...and Belief!

I would have loved to have gone to the Farms 2 Fork Event at the Esselstyn Family Farm in New York this past weekend.  After reading a little bit about it, I've decided to make it one of my goals to get there next year.  I read a short post by Natala on the Engine 2 Diet blog about the weekend, and it had a huge impact on the way I view my health problems.

This is part of her post:

"My favorite part of our retreat weekends is the stories. Not the stories of our speakers, or our staff, the stories of the people who come to the event. People come up to us and tell us their plant-strong success stories. Each one is remarkable.

A woman came up to me who was so sick, she attempted to take her life, she found answers in plant-strong health, and today has reversed her very serious illnesses.

A woman with stage 4 breast cancer who had been 100 pounds overweight, who is now in remission and 100 pounds lighter.

A man told by his doctors that his heart disease was so advanced that he should go home and enjoy the rest of his life, which might be a couple of months, 2 years later he is loving life and has a healthy heart.

A man who was battling debilitating joint pain, so much he had to quit his job, he was given Engine 2, gave it a try and is now running 1/2 marathons.

A woman was a 3 pack a day smoker, 75 pounds overweight with T2 diabetes who is now cigarette free, 70 pounds lighter and no signs of T2 anymore."

Those words really sank in, making me realize that if those people could get better with eating this way, then so can I!  I've thought that before, but this is probably the first time I've really believed it!

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