Friday, August 9, 2013

Waste Not

Yesterday, I became aware of the fact that my Trader Joes Refried Black Beans with Jalapenos, although oil-free and good tasting, has a whoppin' 440 mg of sodium per 1/2 cup serving!

My mentality was that it was "bad" and I needed to get rid of it.  I couldn't, however, throw it away, so my solution was to eat it and not buy it again.  That mentality has gotten me in trouble so many times in the past, and it's time to change it.  I am not a human garbage disposal!!!

I ate it for lunch, and by dinnertime, my feet and ankles were so swollen and uncomfortable.  They bothered me when I went to bed, and are still swollen this morning.  I will be donating the rest of the cans.  I don't need to put that kind of sodium in my body!

Update:  I am so weak!  In spire of my intentions, I ate the other can of TJ's refried beans the next day!  I hadn't planned ahead and my son wanted Mexican and so did I!  Thankfully, that was the last can I had!

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