Saturday, August 24, 2013

Going Public

I've decided to take this blog public.  I'm a little bit nervous about it.  I'm one of those people who wants to get it together and then talk about it!  I haven't been willing to share my struggles or my progress.

Well, that hasn't been working so well for me.  :)  I'm a slow learner, but I'm finally realizing that I can't do this alone.  I need people; I need their support and their encouragement.  My hope is that I can also offer encouragement to others.

I know a fair amount about food and nutrition, but the bottom line is that I'm an addict, and my food addiction wins over knowledge every time.

I'll say up front that I'm uncomfortable opening up, but that's okay.  I'll survive.  The bottom line is that I have a bunch of health issues, many related to being so overweight.  I'm obese (I detest that word!).  I've done tons of diets and lost and gained tons of weight.  I'm working on acceptance.  I'm working on loving myself as I am.  I'm working on letting others love me as I am.  It's not easy, but I'm willing to do the work.

The Protective Diet has been a lifesaver.  Literally.  I've lived with constant, debilitating pain for over eight years now and I really had no desire to live any longer.  I love my family, and they kept me going, but it often felt like a losing battle.

Since starting the Protective Diet in June, my whole outlook has changed.  I knew within weeks that this was the right plan for me.  As soon as I got caffeine and sugar and oil out of my system, I felt myself coming alive again!  The plan makes sense to me, I feel good eating these foods, and there honestly hasn't been a single recipe that I haven't liked.  I can't say that about any other plan that I've tried.

Some people have told me that they feel like the Protective Diet is too restrictive.  I couldn't disagree more.  Restrictive was not having a choice about what I ate because all I craved was sugar and fat.  Restrictive was not being able to stop eating those foods, not being able to stop thinking about those foods!  Restrictive was being in bondage to food.  I can't imagine anything less restrictive than being free of the cravings and the obsession with food, while eating foods that I truly enjoy and that heal my body instead of harming it.  That's true freedom, not restriction.



  1. Denise I raise my hands in praise to you! Congrats on finding this Lifestyle of healthy eating and committing to it! I too am a graduate of this plan and still going strong. I do not have the ailments you have/had, yet this plan felt right from the beginning as well. I never felt restricted, it is always in how we look at anything that helps us achieve our goals as in glass half empty or half full. I am so grateful to Julie for having done all the work for us in devising the recipes that taste great, she is an Angel in my eyes! If there is any support I can lend I'm here, stay strong you've got this 3 months is an accomplishment, celebrate it as such, always give your self praise for every little step in the right direction to your goal of healing and good health. I'll be another cheerleader if you need.

    1. Thank you SO much, Gisela! I really appreciate the encouragement and can always use another cheerleader! I agree with you about Julie!!
