Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Acknowledging the Little Things

I tend to have such an all or nothing attitude, and I'm working on changing that.  One way to change it is by taking the time to recognize the small things.  I've been eating a Protective Diet for about five months now, and I haven't seen any of my conditions cured.  I've had most of those conditions for eight years now, and yet I want them gone in five months!  I wish!  Even though they're not gone, there have been improvements:

1.  I get around easier than I used to.  There was a time when I relied on a walker, or could only take a few steps at a time.  Now, I can walk around the house without my problem.  I still have to think about the steps I take, my knee gives out sometimes, and I have a lot of lower back pain...but I'm walking!  I visualize myself walking briskly outside, like I used to love to do.  I even visualize myself running!

2.  The lymphedema has improved.  Although my legs are swollen and painful, they haven't been so swollen that I've needed to wrap them.  I used to have to wrap every single night and wear compression garments during the day.  I don't do that anymore!

 I love this picture!  
It shows exactly how I feel with my legs wrapped or bandaged.  
This man looks like such a great guy, 
and looks like he has a better attitude than I do about lymphedema!  :)

Again, I visualize my legs getting better and better, even though I've been told by doctors that that's impossible. 

3.  My attitude and outlook on life are so much better!  I am more positive, more focused, more compassionate, and more hopeful.  I used to be hopeless, and I'm here to say that hopeful is so much better!

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