Monday, February 26, 2024

Dr. Kiltz's Ice Cream

2 pastured egg yolks per pint of organic heavy cream

Pinch of Real Salt or Maldon's Salt Flakes

1 Vanilla Bean

Stevia or Monk Fruit to taste

Whisk all ingredients together


Whisk the whites, with a pinch cream of tartar. Fold them into the eggs and cream mix. This makes the ice cream fluffier and doesn’t waste the whites.

I use four yolks to a pint of cream. I don't even use an ice cream
maker. I just put it in the freezer.

I use a mason jar. Add egg yolks, cream, shake for 3 minutes, freeze
for 3-4 hours.

I've never left it in the freezer longer than 24 hours. I make it in small
batches so as not to overeat a big batch, 1/2 c or 1 c at a time. It does
have this golden moment when it's just frozen, maybe a T pocket of cold
cream in the center, that the texture is perfect. You can't get that creamy
texture back after that moment.

I add 1/4 cup melted butter, 1 pint heavy cream, 1 tsp organic monk fruit
powder and 1 tsp vanilla extract to 3 egg yolks! Freeze it and it’s to die
for! I just put it all in a mason jar and shake it for like two seconds till
it’s all blended and freeze it.

I just put the yolk and cream in a mason jar, shake it, and freeze. Freeze
3 hours for 1/2 cup heavy cream, 4 hours for a pint. only 1 dirty dish that
way and no extra appliance needed. If you don't get to it immediately,
stick it in the fridge for 30-60 minutes before eating so you can get a
spoon into it.

One solution mentioned in many of these type recipes is to freeze for one
hour and then stir every 1/2 hour until done.
You have to take out of freezer every hour or 2 and stir well . Repeat a
few times till solid like commercial ice cream!

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