Saturday, September 19, 2020

Roast Chicken Salad with Rosemary Dressing


Roast Chicken Salad with Rosemary Dressing

This salad has a light, bright flavor while the protein and olive oil makes it very satisfying. I love using fresh herbs in my cooking as much as possible. This is because fresh herbs are very high in mast cell stabilizing anti-oxidants. I used a purple carrot – these are the most nutritious variety of carrots. I buy purple carrots every chance I get.

I also tossed in arugula and radishes because these are in the super nutritious cruciferous veggie family. Cruciferous veggies are high in sulfur, which amazingly also help stabilize mast cells. The sulfur makes a compound called heparin sulfate. This compound is what mast cells use to keep themselves from over-releasing inflammatory chemicals. So, sulfur is really important for those of us with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome!

Green apples are lower glycemic (affect blood sugar less) than sweeter apples. I really like the tart quality and crunch they add to this salad. Apple skins have a lot of mast cell stabilizing quercetin, so keep the peels on. The celery in this salad is rich in potassium and other minerals and rounds out the flavors.

Remember to use organic whenever possible. Apples are always worth buying organic. Conventional apples can be especially high in pesticide residue. Pesticides add to the toxic load in your body. And toxicity is one of the 7 Most Common Root Causes of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. So keep those toxins down!

If you are using nuts, makes sure they are fresh! Nuts can easily grow mold. Mold releases Mycotoxins. Those toxins are another root cause of MCAS. (If you haven’t read the free report yet on the 7 Most Common Root Causes of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, you can get it here.) I’ve linked to the pecans I personally use in the recipe below.

I see recipes more as guidelines than rules, so feel free to get creative and experiment! You could try replacing the rosemary and oregano with cilantro. Roast pork might be a great addition!

This is enough to serve 1-2 people, or 4 as a side salad. You can multiply the recipe by the number of people you want to serve.

1 ½ cups baby lettuce
1 ½ cups baby arugula
1 carrot
2 radishes
1 stick celery
½ green apple
1 hard boiled pasture-raised egg (if you tolerate eggs)
2-3 ounces Low Histamine Roasted Chicken (from pastured chicken you previously cooked and froze)

¼ cup extra virgin olive oil (make sure it is very fresh)
Fresh rosemary leaves from 1-2 sprigs (leaves only, not stem)
2 tablespoons fresh oregano leaves
1 drop stevia (I use this brand of Stevia*)
1/8 tsp unrefined sea salt 
1 tsp fresh lemon juice (if tolerated)

Defrost the roasted chicken.

Layer lettuce and arugula on plate. Chop or slice carrot, radishes, celery, and green apple. I like to use a mandolin like this one to get fine slices, but you can also just use a cutting knife. Slice the hard boiled egg and layer on top. Add chicken. Add pistachios or pecans if using.

In a small food chopper or small sized blender, combine all the dressing ingredients and blend well. Pour amount of dressing you desire on the salad.


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