Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Tuesday, 9/24/13

I got some more sleep last night, in spite of being woken up several times by my cute little boy!  I felt much better today.  I saw my endocrinologist this morning.  I saw her peeking out of her door when I was in the waiting room, and she later told me that she was noticing how well I was getting around!  She's very happy with my progress, and I don't need to get labs done or see her for six months!  Since I usually go every three months, that's definitely a good thing!  She did tell me to keep exercising as much as I can in order to get my HDL up a bit.

After the appointment, I was feeling so good that I agreed to go on a *date* with hubby...to Costco!  He lured me there with talk of my favorite giant baking potatoes!  :)  He wanted me to get one of those electric carts to ride, but I told him I was going to walk!  We were there for over an hour and I walked around the entire store.  I can't remember the last time I was there (or in any other store), but it's been several years.  It felt so good to get out.

After that, I braved the 63-degree water in the pool for some more walking.

Now, I'm tired and in a fair amount of pain, but I feel so good about what I accomplished today that I don't even mind the pain!

Breakfast: Roasted Veggie; Peaches

Lunch: Salad: lettuce, tomato, red peppers, carrots, cucumbers;  Chickpea Salad (I added Kelp Powder and Old Bay Seasoning - yum!!); Peaches

Dinner: Pot Pie-less Pie (this is one of my new absolute favorites!!) over a GF English Muffin, Frozen Cacao

Pumpkin Spice Hot Cocoa (I played with this recipe and couldn't get it to where I wanted it.  I used 1 dropper of vanilla stevia and it was still bitter.  So I added another 1/2 dropper and it tasted too strongly of stevia.  I added another Tbsp of cacao powder, but that didn't help much.  So I added a large ripe banana, which helped, but it still wasn't great.  I added a second smaller banana, and drank some of it that way.  The banana flavor overtook the pumpkin pie flavor a bit, of course, but I found that preferable to the overpowering stevia taste.  Don't really plan on making this one again...I didn't even finish it.)

Exercise: 1 1/2 hours walking/exercising in pool; walked around Costco!  :)

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