Monday, September 21, 2020

Sample Meal Ideas

 Sample Meal Ideas: Here are some of my favorite low histamine, low lectin, and low oxalate meals: 

  • Chicken wrap on lettuce with fresh cilantro, shredded cabbage, shredded carrots dipped in a Ginger Dressing (whiz ginger, cilantro, ¼ clove garlic, pinch salt, 4 T olive oil in VitaMix or Ninja type blender)
  • Cassava crust pizza topped with homemade pesto (whiz up basil, olive oil, garlic, salt, pepper), sautéed onions or shallots, fresh oregano, and chicken
  • Lamb chops or Pork Chops with mashed cauliflower (steam cauliflower and blend in food processor with butter, olive oil, salt, pepper, rosemary) and arugula salad
  • Cauliflower Fried Rice – grated cauliflower, thinly sliced onions, grated carrots sautéed in sauce of toasted sesame oil, ginger, salt, and garlic. [Phase II: scramble a couple eggs in the pan to make it stick together.] You can also add some shredded chicken or pork.
  • Dessert: Fresh fruit
  • Occasional Dessert: Frozen Tart Cherry “ice cream” – whiz frozen tart cherries with just enough coconut milk to cover, pinch of raw vanilla powder, and a couple drops of stevia.

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