Monday, December 2, 2013

Now and Then

Things I have done so far today:

1.  I was running late this morning, and I jumped in the shower, did my hair, got dressed, quickly ate some cold PD food, grabbed an apple and my water bottle, and went to my son's appointments.

2.  Walked through Children's Hospital, accompanied my son to his EEG, and went with him to his appointment with the pediatric neurologist afterwards.

3.  Immediately after those appointments, met with the children's behavior therapist for two hours.

4.  Started cooking right after that appointment.


What that would have looked like six months ago:

1.  I could not have taken a shower and gotten ready to go anywhere in 20 minutes.  I would have taken a shower, sat down immediately afterwards because the pain was so intense, wouldn't have had the energy to get dressed, and would have ended up in tears.

2.  Most days, I couldn't have walked through Children's Hospital.  If I did make it, I would have walked slowly, with a cane, and would have been shaking from the pain by the time I made it to the waiting room.  I would not have been able to take in what the doctor was saying because my head would have been so cloudy from the pain.

3.  I probably would have had to lie down after the first appointments, or, more likely, would have cancelled the therapist appointment ahead of time, knowing that I couldn't do both things in one day.

4.  Nick would have had to cook for me because I would have been unable to function.  I probably would have spent the next few days doing nothing at all, and my pain would have been excruciating from the overexertion.

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