Thursday, December 19, 2013

Six Months!

Today is my Six Month Plant-Based Anniversary!

I am so excited!  I woke up this morning feeling like...crap.


I kind of feel like I got hit by the proverbial truck today.

So, am I upset?  Discouraged?

Not at all!

I know without a doubt that there's healing going on.  
Some days are good, and others aren't so good.  
But guess what?  Six months ago, they were all bad!  
These days, most of them are good.  
Maybe not great, but good.  
I'm more than happy with good.  :)

So, what's changed in six months?  Here are a few things:

My attitude!

My outlook on life

My mental clarity

My patience and compassion

My blood pressure is down

My cholesterol is down

My weight is down.  
I didn't get on the scale today, but I've lost around 60 pounds.

I did measure myself today, and I've lost 19 inches!

My left calf was 2 1/2 inches smaller, which is a huge accomplishment 
because the lymphedema is bad in that leg  
and I was told that it could never improve.  
Yet, I'm not bandaging or wearing compression garments, 
and it's gotten smaller!

My pain level is so much lower!  
I went Christmas shopping yesterday for the first time in years 
and was able to walk for several hours with only minimal pain near the end.  
Six months ago, I only went out to go to doctor's appointments, 
I couldn't walk without help, 
and I couldn't stand for more than a minute or two without severe pain.

My self-esteem has improved.

I'm more accepting than I was...
of myself, 
of the process, 
of where I am at this moment, 
of what I used to perceive as shortcomings in others.

I'm more content.

I'm hopeful.
Today may not be my best day, but I have hope, which is something that I'd lost. 

I also have trust.  
I trust that I will continue to get better, 
that there will be more and more good days, 
and that poor health will become a thing of the past.

All of this in six short months.  That's something to celebrate!

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