Friday, October 4, 2013

Friday, 10/4/13

Another good day today.  Would have liked to have included a green salad.  Mid-80's = great pool weather!  So grateful for these summery days.  Decided to hop on the scale today (in the middle of the day!!) and was happy to see another five pounds gone.  Woo hoo!  Had too much chocolate exposure today with Nick making chocolate candy and the kids making chocolate chip cookies.  Thankful to have healthy chocolate recipes that are delicious and don't send me into a crazy spiral of food cravings!

Breakfast: Apple Blueberry Oatmeal, Pumpkin Smoothie

Lunch: Potato Salad, Watermelon

Dinner: Potato Salad, Potato and Kale Soup, Watermelon

Chocolate Oatmeal Brownie Muffins

Exercise: 1 1/2 hours walking/swimming in the pool

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