Monday, October 7, 2013

Monday, 10/07/13

Today was great!  We had a front coming through and we were under a tornado watch all day.  It was blowing like crazy this morning, but it was still relatively warm, so I decided to jump in the pool!  I loved it!  I had to tie my towel down so that it wouldn't blow away.  There was stuff blowing everywhere, but it felt so good to be there.  I love wind and water!  I felt like I've been asleep (or dead!) for such a long time, and have finally come back to life.  I wouldn't trade this for anything!

Food was good today, too.  I had apples, jalapenos, and cherry tomatoes that were on their way out, so I broiled the jalapenos with the tomatoes to make salsa, and I covered the apple slices with cinnamon and baked them.

Then I made the split pea soup, which was incredible, and made the pesto for dinner.  The basil was from WF, and it smelled like oregano!  The pesto was good, but it just wasn't pesto!  I also made GF breadcrumbs for the first time from GF English muffins.  I didn't toast them long enough and they came out kind of gummy.  Still tasted good, though... 

Breakfast:  Apple, Baked Apples

Lunch: Split Pea Soup, Tortilla Chips, Salsa


Baked Apples

Dinner: Pesto with Tinkyada brown rice fettuccine

Exercise: 1 hour walking/running/exercising in the pool

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