Sunday, October 20, 2013

Sunday, 10/20/13

Beautiful day today.  Went to the park and sat in the sun while the kids played.  Need to make a point of getting outside more often, especially since the pool closed.  Had some emotional stuff come up tonight, grieving the death of my best childhood friend, who died a year ago.  I stopped myself from grieving then, and it's interesting to see how this stuff is coming up now.  I guess I'm ready to deal with it.  Although it's painful, it feels good to go through it without feeling like I have to stuff it back down with food.  Freedom!

Breakfast:  Applesauce Oatmeal

Lunch: lentils with brown rice and onions (left over from last night's Middle Eastern Lentils), Ranch Dressing, leaf lettuce, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers; grapes. (Picnic lunch, no pics)

Dinner: Mexican Mac n Cheeze made with Tinkyada Brown Rice Pasta Shells and broccoli; Salad: leaf lettuce, cherry tomatoes, Ranch Dressing  (prepared by my proud seven-year-old son!).

The Salad and the Chef

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