Thursday, October 10, 2013

Thursday, 10/10/13

Not a great food day.  As an example of how I felt on this cold, rainy day, I was going to make a salad for lunch.  It's now 8:49 PM, and my salad bowl is still sitting on the kitchen counter...with nothing except a little pile of grated carrots on it!  My tendency has always been to beat myself up, but I'm not going there.  I did what I could today, and that's okay.

I resigned myself to the fact that I won't be going in the pool again this year.  I already miss it.  But the past two days have been so rainy and cold and windy that there's just no way.  So, I have to buckle down and figure out how I'm going to move my muscles this winter.  No part of me is interested in moving today, and again, that's just the way it is today.  Still, I'm grateful for today.

Breakfast:  Oatmeal with Apples and Bananas

Tomato Cream Sauce over Pasta with Spinach

Lunch: Apple, Carrot, Pumpkin, Applesauce Slop.  In other words, a cooking experiment gone bad.  :)  It had potential, though, so I will try again.


Dinner: Hearty Vegetable Soup.  Thankfully, this was not a flop, which is a good thing since I made the biggest pot of soup ever!  It was good and it hit the spot.

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