Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Tuesday, 10/15/13

 Some tough times again today.  I did something to my knee, and now I can't walk.  I just turned wrong, and I heard it pop.  It's wrapped now, and I have my good old (detested!) walker out again.  Oh, wait!  That's not showing gratitude!  I'm working on being grateful for ALL things in my life.  Even though I don't like my walker and I was sure that I'd never have to use it again, I'm grateful that I have it and it helps me get around (but I will never love it! lol).  

So...feeling kind of discouraged, wanting to feel better and do more, missing the pool big time.  Working on acceptance and being thankful that I'm eating a PD, and doing visualizations of this food healing my body.  Also grateful for fresh produce that tastes so delicious!  :)

Dinner: Tried a new recipe that people raved about.  It was okay, but I didn't love it.  Remembered a friend on PD Living saying that any meal could be made delicious by putting PD House Mayo or Not-Yo Cheeze Sauce on it.  Sure enough, after stirring in some cheeze sauce, it was a whole new meal!

Breakfast: Oatmeal with Apples and Bananas

Lunch: Salad (lettuce, carrots, scallions, tomatoes, black beans, tofu) with Ranch Dressing

4-3-2 Cheezy Rice & Broccoli

Dinner: Hold on to Your Hat Steel-Cut Oats with Kale from My Beef with Meat by Rip Esselstyn (p.178)
Cheeze Sauce

  Hold on to Your Hat Steel-Cut Oats with Kale 

  Hold on to Your Hat Steel-Cut Oats with Kale with Cheeze Sauce

Frozen Cacao with raspberries! 

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