Saturday, October 5, 2013

Bucket List

I've never really had a bucket list. 

Nick knows that if I'm told that I have six months to live (which I probably wouldn't believe, anyway), my first action will be to drop everything and go on an extended sea/land cruise to Alaska.  I want to see the coast, especially the whales, but I don't want to be confined to a cruise ship; I want to explore the land and get to know it and the people who inhabit it.

When I reach my goal, which is not necessarily just a number on the scale, but a feeling of fitness and wellness, I want to go to Vedge.  That might just be a copout, another example of not living now and waiting until I'm a certain size or weight.  Or it might be as simple as a reward for a job well done. 

Here's the bucket list that I'm starting:

Look in the mirror and love myself unconditionally.

Don't feel guilty about my weight gain.

Accept that I did the best that I could
 and that it was good enough.

Recognize that the journey is the reward.

Trust that everything is exactly as it's supposed to be.

Stay hopeful and optimistic in difficult situations.  
See the blessings!

Welcome all life lessons.

See the opportunities in every challenge
 rather than wanting to give up.

Give up all attachments to stuff.

Stop worrying!

Forgive people who've hurt me.

Let go of my past.

Stop thinking that I did something wrong.

Reject rejection!

Stop trying to control.

Know my purpose and live it to the fullest.

Live my values.

See the beauty outside every single day.

Embrace change.

Accept my crazy, beautiful self!

See the world as a beautiful, safe, and loving place.

See people as beautiful and loving.

Stop trying to change people.

Reach out to someone every day.

See that everyone is equal.

Try something that I find uncomfortable or scary.

Take the time to play.

Experience the JOY!



  1. That is a wonderful bucket list!

    I have been reading your blog as I am a big fan of Julie and the Protective Diet as well. What a great journey you are on, you are doing so well. Some of your original and modified recipes look really great, like your pot pie filling and spaghetti and peas w/Julie's macaroni sauce. Can't wait to try some of your ideas and variations. Your pictures are great as well, they make me want to get back to cooking more PD recipes, they are really all so tasty.

    Keep up the great work!


    1. Thanks so much, Jenny! I sure appreciate your encouragement. I agree about the PD recipes; they taste so good that it's easy to eat this way. Thanks for stopping by!
