Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Twelve Weeks

I started a plant-based 12 weeks ago today.  I can't believe how quickly those 12 weeks passed!  I also can't believe how effortless this has been; I've never once felt deprived, hungry, or tempted by any foods that aren't on plan.  I'm surrounded by people who eat foods that I used to not be able to stop eating.  I've been to birthday parties and barbecues, and was always completely happy with my food.  I chose not to feel different or uncomfortable because I brought my own food and ate differently than everyone else.  I focused on the people, not on the food.  There was more than one time that others complained about overeating or feeling sick from too many sweets.  I'm grateful that I always felt balanced and happy. There were times when I felt like I'd eaten too much, but I never got that bloated, sick feeling.  I love this food!

My weekly weigh-ins with my weight loss group end today.  Up until the very end, I struggled with wanting to restrict my eating because of that last weigh-in.  I thought about doing a juice fast during the last week or two, just to get that final number lower.  I'm so glad I fought those feelings.  From this point on, my focus will not be the scale; it will be following this plan 100% and reaping the benefits!

I didn't win first place in the weight loss competition.  I came in third.  That bothered me at first, especially because it's my birthday and I thought that it would be really cool to win on my birthday.  But, I really did win.  I won freedom from addictive eating, I won by seeing my health slowly improve, I won by being over 40 pounds lighter, and I won from giving myself the enduring gift of healthy eating.

This is just the beginning.  I can't wait to see where I go from here!

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